Apps Creators Manual

How to join the team

Contact Heimo Müller, Robert Reihs or Markus Plass. Any of them can add you to the Github team of an App repository.

Anatomy of an App

An App is described within a BIBBOX Github repository. By convention the name of the repository starts with the prefix "app-" A template repository can be found at:

An App consists at least of the following files and directories, please never change the name of these files!


    The default Github readme file shoud contain information about the used official docker images and docker images from the BIBBOX dockerhub. In addition you should describe all mounted volumes and their content.


    Install instruction for the APP to follow after the first installation step (docker-compose up) is finished. This typicaly describes application specific configuration tasks. A link to this file is given in the Dashboard of the installed App.

  • appinfo.json

    Specifies Information about the App as displayed in the BIBBOX App Store.

            "name": "A long name of the Application, shown in the App Store",
            "short_name": "APP short name",
            "version": "V.1.0",
            "description": "Long description of the Application shown in Store, can be multiline",
            "short_description": "Short description of the Application shown in Store",
            "catalogue_url": "URL to biobankapps, if applicaple",
            "application_url": "URL to App official gace",
            "tags": ["Tag1", "Tag2"]
  • docker-compose-template.yml

    Based on this file the docker-compose.yml will be generated. The variables §§INSTANCE, §§PORT and all other environment and configuration variables starting with "§§" will be replaced during the installation. Each template for a docker compose file should link to the bibbox-default-network network and use the busybox container as central mount point.

    version: '2'

          external: true


        image: bibbox/app-image
        container_name:  §§INSTANCE-container1
        restart: unless-stopped
          - bibbox-default-network
          - §§INSTANCE-lapp-db:app-db
          - "§§PORT1:80"
          - §§INSTANCE-app-db
          - §§INSTANCE-app-data
          - §§INSTANCE-app-data

      image: bibbox/app-image2
      container_name:  §§INSTANCE-container2
      restart: unless-stopped
        - bibbox-default-network
        - "§§PORT2:8000"
        - §§INSTANCE-app-data
        - §§INSTANCE-app-data

        image: mysql:8
        container_name: §§INSTANCE-limesurvey-db
        restart: unless-stopped
          - bibbox-default-network
        user: root
          - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=thispasswordisneverusededoutsidethecontainer
          - §§INSTANCE-app-data
          - §§INSTANCE-app-data

        image: busybox
        container_name: §§INSTANCE-app-data
          - ./var/app-data:/var/app-data
          - ./var/app-config:/var/app-config

  • environment-parameters.json

    Environment parameters for the docker-compose-template file. The user can set the values for these parameters in a GUI during the installation of an App.

          "display_name":"Name Displayed in GUI at the Installation",
          "type":"text, number, password",
          "default_value":"Default Value",
          "description":"Description shown in the GUI",
          "min_length": "1",
          "max_length": "128"
          "display_name":"Name of the mysql database",
          "default_value":"Default Value",
          "description":"Description shown in the GUI",
          "min_length": "1",
          "max_length": "128"
          "display_name":"Name of the mysql user",
          "default_value":"Default Value",
          "description":"Description shown in the GUI",
          "min_length": "1",
          "max_length": "128"
          "display_name":"Password of mySQL user",
          "default_value":"Default Value",
          "description":"Description shown in the GUI",
          "min_length": "1",
          "max_length": "128"

  • fileinfo.json

    A list of commands to be run when installing an app, consisting of three categories: "environmental_replace", "script_replace" and "permissions". | key | description | |---|---| | environmental_replace | WIP - specifies files/directories where placeholders can be replaced easily | | script_replace | WIP - specifies files/directories where placeholders etc. should be replaced by a script | | permissions | specifies which files/folders in the instance directory should be set to which permissions. \n the path is always relative to the instance directory|

    Tool for calculating permissions:


        "environment_replace": {},
        "script_replace": [],
        "permissions": {


        "environment_replace": {},
        "script_replace": [],
        "permissions": {
            "assets": 775,
        "util/shared" : 777
  • configuration-parameters.json (not yet implemented)

    Configuration parameters for the docker-compose-template file. The user can set the values for these parameters in a GUI during the installation of an App and also in an later interactive configuration panel (will be provided in the next release).

          "display_name":"Name displayed in GUI at the Installation and Configuration",
          "type":"text, number, password",
          "default_value":"Default Value",
          "description":"Description shown in the GUI",
          "min_length": "1",
          "max_length": "128"
          "display_name":"Name displayed in GUI at the Installation and Configuration",
          "type":"text, number, password",
          "default_value":"Default Value",
          "description":"Description shown in the GUI",
          "min_length": "1",
          "max_length": "128"

  • filestructure.json (deprecated)

    Specifies a list of directories to be created in the App instance folder, and a list of files to be copied from the App repository to the App instance folder. All files listed here are copied by default to the App instance folder.

  • icon.png

    Icon of the App in the application store und in the application dashboard. Please use a square format, e.g. 512x512 pixeland PNG with a transparency channel.

  • sys-info.json (deprecated)

    A list of containers, that must run in order display the container as "running" in the application dashboard. In addtion a list of "non running" containers can be specified. The names must be the same as the service names in the docker-compose-template.yml.

      runningcontainers:["§§INSTANCE-appcontainer1", "§§INSTANCE-appcontainer2"],
  • portinfo.json (deprecated, moved to docker-compose.yml.template)

    Defines the mapping of ports as given in the docker-compose-template.yml to an URL. To achieve this proxy files are generated an the apache server of a BIBBOX instance is reloaded, when an App is installed. If your BIBBOX base URL is the installation of an APP with the instance ID lims generates two proxy files, which maps

    • to port 80 of container1, and
    • to port 8000 of container2.
      "mappings": [
          "id": "§§PORT1",
          "url": "§§INSTANCE",
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "proxy" : "PRIMARY"
          "id": "§§PORT2",
          "url": "§§INSTANCE-monitoring",
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "proxy" : "PRIMARY"
  • images

Directory containing all docker images used in the docker-compose-template.yml (apart from offcial docker images). For each docker image a sub directory containing the Dockerfile and configs has the created. In the BIBBOX dockerhub these files are used to build the docker images. Please not, that for versioned Apps both in the dockerhub and in the docker-compose-template.yml version tags has to be used.


Each App should be versioned. We distinguish between

  • Development Version generated from the master branch of the repository. The developmemt version is identified by the tag development in the kit description,

  • Production Versions generated from a specific release in the repository. For each major release. i.e. given by a new version of dockerized software tool, a new branch should be generated in the repository. Please note, that the tag name for the Github release should not contain dots as seperators, please use "_" instead.

When creating a production version, you should make the follwoing steps. Please make it exactly in this order, otherwise the tagging of the bibbox docker/hub and bibbox github will get confused.

  1. Generate a new branch in github, if you plan to release a major version.

  2. Update all the files for the anticipated version, don't forgett to update appinfo.json.

  3. Set in the docker compose template file (docker-compose-template.yml) the tags for the docker images. Please not, that ALL used images should be tagged with an specific version, don't use the 'latest" tag, as this could break your APP in the future.

  4. Tag the version in GITHUB, please don't use dots to seperate subversion but "_" (otherwise versions cannot be stored in the filesystem on the BIBBOX VM)

  5. Add the tag in the DOCKER hub to build tagged images (press SAVE before TRIGGER)

  6. Edit in the used kit, e.g. eB3kit.json the version information. This file can be found in the application-store repository.

Register an App

For the registration of an App two configuration files have to be extended:

  • applications.json maps a Github repository to a human readable name of the App

  • eB3Kit.json puts the App into a specific kit. A kit defines ta group of Apps together with metadata, which are then displayed in the App store and can be installed in a BIBBOX instance. Today eB3kit is the default kit of the B3Afria project, in the future further kits will be defined.