
For testing purposes we recommend a virtual machine with the following specifications:

  • CPU cores: 4
  • Memory: 8192 MB
  • Disk space: 100 GB


For production, please calculate the additional resources you will need, depending on the applications you are going to install within the BIBBOX.


Import the image into VirtualBox

You can import the image with the following command: vboxmanage import path/to/bibbox-......ova

If you have a user interface on your system (e.g. it's your local PC), follow these steps:

  • Open up VirtualBox on your PC or Mac
  • CLick on File > Import Appliance...
  • Select the downloaded image and click Continue

Start the machine

The BIBBOX demo VM is an Ubuntu server with an desktop (Graphical User Interface) for local testing.

You can log in with username v and passwords vendetta and start using the BIBBOX in a local browser with the URL http://bibbox.local.domain.

Please be aware, that after the virtual machine has started, it takes several minutes until the server can be accessed.

If you want to access the server from a client, further configurations are necessary:

  1. Choose the domain name, the server will be reachable:

  2. Login into the VM, either in the GUI or with an ssh, as configured in the VM network.

  3. Make the following changes.

    • In /etc/bibbox/bibbox.cfg

      change the domain with

      sudo sed -i 's/bibbox.local.domain/' *
    • In /etc/apache2/sites-available

      change the domain names in the proxy files with

      sudo sed -i 's/bibbox.local.domain/' *
    • And in /etc/hosts

      change       eb3kit

      to the first part of your domain name       replace
  4. Finally run to make the changes take effect

    `sudo service apache2 stop` 
    `sudo service apache2 start` 
    `sudo service liferay stop` 
    `sudo service liferay start`

Network configuration

If your hosting provider offers you an administration panel for managing domains and subdomains, you should use that to point to your BIBBOX. Otherwise, if you use Apache, you can do it yourself using this guide:

  1. On your server navigate to your apache configuration directory. On Linux base machines this defaults to /etc/apache2/sites-available.
  2. Create a file named 005-bibbox.conf. On Linux based systems you can do this with nano 005-bibbox.conf.
  3. Copy this proxy configuration into the file, change the ServerName, ServerAlias and the port you configured for your virtual machine. You should also change the name of the log files according to your vm name. Then save with CTRL + O and Enter.

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAlias *
        <Proxy *>
            Order deny,allow
            Allow from all
        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/bibbox.error.log
        # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
        # alert, emerg.
        LogLevel debug
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/bibbox.access.log combined
        ProxyRequests           Off
        ProxyPreserveHost On
        ProxyPass               /api/kernels/       ws://
        ProxyPassReverse        /api/kernels/       ws://
        ProxyPass               /         
        ProxyPassReverse        /         
  4. Now navigate to the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled directory and create a symbolic link to your new proxy file with ln -s ../sites-available/005-bibbox.conf.

  5. Next reload Apache to make it recognize your changes by running service apache2 reload.
  6. You can now access the BIBBOX from anywhere in the web by calling your URL (e.g. in the browser's address bar!

Domain Migration

If you want to migrate from SOME.OLD.DOMAIN to YOUR.NEW.DOMAIN, login into your VM and make the following steps

  • Stop the apache service

sudo service apache2 stop

  • Replace all SOME.OLD.DOMAIN in the proxy files

cd /etc/apache2?

sudo cp -r sites-available sites-available-back

cd sites-available


sudo service apache2 start

  • Change to config for the portal

cd /etc/bibbox

sudo service liferay stop

sudo sed -i 's/SOME.OLD.DOMAIN/YOUR.NEW.DOMAIN/g' bibbox.cfg

sudo service liferay start

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