This documentation describes BIBBOX Docker Framework.

  • If you already know your way around Docker and just want to install a local instance on Linux, jump to Install guide

Get started

  • What is the BIBBOX Framework ?

The BIBBOX Framework is a Basic Infrastructure Building Box (BIBBOX). As it originally targeted biobanks, it might sometimes also be known as a "Biobank in a Box". The BIBBOX provides the possibility to create and install Apps, and also serve them directly towards the end-user. In the current state, we are building Apps to support pathologists, bioinformaticians and biobanks in their daily work as well as in data management. The current framework mainly serves as a workflow demo SAAS-System.

Check out the User guide for further instructions on how to use the BIBBOX.

  • How does it work ?

The BIBBOX itself consists of a series of Docker containers. The basic container structure is given by:

  • Apache Proxyserver (Front-End Server and Proxy Server for the Apps)
  • Backend (Flask Rest API for data exchange from Front-End)
  • Postgres (Permanent Data Storage)
  • Celery (Asynchronous Task scheduling)
  • Redis (Faster data-store for volatile and cache data)

For more information about each container, see the sys-bibbox GitHub repository.

The detailed documentation is currently under construction and will be subsequently updated, see Developer guide